Occupational Therapy aims to assist your child in participating in occupations that are both meaningful and necessary in their everyday life. At SENSATIONAL OT 4
KIDS, we believe Therapy can be motivating, effective and most importantly, FUN. Therapists aim to engage your child in a playful and positive way, using creativity and expertise to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Our Occupational Therapy team can assist children experiencing challenges in the following areas:
Play Skills
Social Skills
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Motor Planning and other Cognitive skills
Attention & Concentration
Emotional Regulation
Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration
Self-Care Skills, including dressing, feeding, toileting etc
Visual Perception
Therapy approaches used at SENSATIONAL OT 4
KIDS include:
SOS Approach to Feeding
The Willbarger Therapressure Protocol
Therapeutic Listening Program
The M.O.R.E Approach
Sensory Integration
Equipment Prescription
Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration
Speech Therapists aim to assist children in overcoming their communication difficulties and better interact with the people and world around them. This includes using playful approaches to developing skills in the following areas:
Expressive and Receptive Language
Speech Intelligibility
Communication methods